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Meet Tracy Miller, MMRF 2023 Walk/Run: South Florida Spirit of Hope Honoree

Tracy Safron MMRF Spirit of Hope

How did you get involved with the MMRF?      

I was looking to connect with others with multiple myeloma, and after doing extensive research, I found MMRF.

Why did you choose to participate in the MMRF Walk/Run?

Five months after being a recipient of an autologous stem cell transplant at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center in Miami, I wanted to meet and share my experience with others and, as an added benefit, raise funds and give back to the myeloma community.

The Spirit of Hope is given to “individuals/groups who inspire hope and show extraordinary commitment to the MMRF.” What does being given the award mean to you?

By receiving this award, my hope is that my story can be inspirational to newly diagnosed and existing patients.

How have you found perseverance in light of obstacles? Please share any stories that have given you strength.

Upon receiving my diagnosis in March 2019, I had never heard of or knew anyone with MM. One year later, my father was also diagnosed with MM. After the initial shock and the support of my family, friends, and amazing and caring team of physicians, I have essentially resumed my normal life. I never let the diagnosis nor the transplant change my positive outlook.

Do you have a favorite mantra, quote, lyric that gives you strength?

In the end, no matter the challenges life throws at you, it is always about moving forward. And as my husband repeatedly reminds me, “The best way out is always the way through.”

The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation is delighted to recognize Tracy Miller as the MMRF Spirit of Hope Honoree at the 2023 MMRF Team for Cures: South Florida Walk/Run.

This award is presented at every Walk/Run to a patient, caregiver, or family who inspires hope through their resilience, perseverance, and dedication to the MMRF and its mission. Donate to Tracy Miller’s “Team Tracy” 2023 Walk/Run fundraising page to accelerate a cure today!