Walk/Run Fundraising Toolkit

Magnify your fundraising efforts with our social and fundraising toolkits! Use the following resources and assets to help you in your journey.

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Social posts & suggested copy
Use the graphics and suggested text below across your social media accounts to help launch your fundraising and training on social media. Don’t forget to tag us @theMMRF and use #theMMRF!
When you sign up

I signed up for the MMRF Walk/Run in [city name] on [event date] where I’ll be making a difference in the fight against cancer. Please support me by making a donation to my fundraising page: [insert URL here]

I walk for

Curing cancer is personal. This week I’ll be walking for [insert name]. Donate to my fundraising page: [insert URL]

Fundraising help

I am so close to reaching my goal. Will you please help me get there? Even $5 or $10 will make a difference in the MMRF’s critical mission to accelerate a cure for each and every myeloma patient. [Link to my fundraising URL]

I run for

Curing cancer is personal. This week I’ll be running for [insert name]. Donate to my fundraising page: [insert URL]

When you finish

I’ve finished a Walk/Run for the MMRF, but their important work to cure cancer continues. Please continue to support me and the MMRF’s critical mission by donating here: [insert URL]

When you finish

While I crossed this finish line, the work of the MMRF isn’t slowing down! Your support has helped accelerate critical research for a cure. You can continue to donate here: [insert URL]

Fundraising tools
Use the below resources to accelerate your fundraising and share your progress with your friends and family.

Follow these steps to add a custom frame to your social media profile:
1. Click here to choose the profile frame of your choice.
2. Select and save your image to your phone, tablet or computer.
3. Use a free application such as Canva to crop your desired profile photo into a circle, drop the profile frame onto it, and save this new image.
4. Upload this to your account and show your profile badge with pride while you're fundraising and participating!

Recommended: download the new FREE MMRF Team for Cures app!
Sign up today, and track your fundraising and training progress in the palm of your hand! Whether you walk or run, you can easily select and share your preferred social frame.
Download for Android | Download for iOS


Facebook fundraising

Leverage the power of social media by easily syncing your Walk/Run fundraising page to Facebook where you can create a Facebook Fundraising campaign.

Team captain toolkit

Are you a team captain? Visit our Team Captain Toolkit page for resources made just for you.

Tribute bib

Download a printable tribute bib for your event and social media fundraising.

Save the Dates

Download and share a Save the Date for your city's Walk/Run!

Downloadable Flyer

Raise awareness in your community with these printable flyers.

Sample email templates

Dear [insert name],

Join my team in making a difference in the lives of multiple myeloma patients and their families!

On [insert date], I will be participating in the MMRF Walk/Run: [insert event location] to raise awareness and critical funds for myeloma research as the team captain of [insert team name]. The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) is laser-focused on accelerating better, more precise treatments to find a cure for each and every myeloma patient, no matter their disease state. That's why our team is taking action in the fight against myeloma, the second most common blood cancer.

Here is where you can personalize your email. Why are you participating? Explain why this cause is so important to YOU. See below for an example:

As many of you know, my mother was diagnosed with multiple myeloma six years ago. As recently as 10 years ago, the life expectancy of a myeloma patient was only three years. Today, that has more than tripled, thanks to the work of the MMRF in funding collaborative research that is extending the lives of patients while they work relentlessly on a cure.

Over the past 25 years, the MMRF has raised $600+ million and directs nearly 90% of total funds to research and related programs. They have funded over 380 research grants at more than 200 centers worldwide and been recognized by Charity Navigator with a four-star Charity Rating for over 20 years. While the MMRF has made enormous progress, they still have much urgent research to do and cannot continue without your support.

I urge you to join me as a member of [insert team name] or by donating on my fundraising page: [insert link]. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity!

No one fights cancer alone. Together, we will reach the ultimate finish line: a cure.


[insert your name]

Dear [insert name],

We are just (number of days left until event) days away from the MMRF Walk/Run: (Event Location) - an inspiring event that raises awareness and funds for multiple myeloma research.

I have committed to raise funds for research through my participation at this event and am $(amount left to goal) away from hitting my goal!

It’s not too late – you can still make an impact in accelerating a cure for each and every multiple myeloma patient. Show your support by joining me at the event or by making a donation on my fundraising page: (Insert Link).

Thank you in advance for your support and generosity! Every step counts and every single dollar matters!

[Insert your name here]

Dear (Insert Name),

What an amazing day it was at the MMRF Walk/Run [Event Location] on (Insert Day)!  Our team felt empowered by the crowd, the speakers and the hope formed from the day. We were so inspired meeting other families and hearing about the progress being made by the MMRF and its research and pharmaceutical partners.  I am honored to share some of the highlights from the morning with all of you!

(Share the emotion of event day.  Include some photos!  If you ran, share your race time. If you walked, share the experience you had – did you meet others?  Did you learn something you didn’t know?)

As of today, with your help, our team has raised [Insert Fundraising Amount] for the MMRF!  I thank you so much for your donation to this very personal cause of mine.  I am so appreciative of your support.

The MMRF Walk/Run: [Event Location] is now over, but the campaign continues against multiple myeloma until a cure is found.  If you would still like to make a contribution to my efforts and our team [insert team name], tax-deductible donations will be accepted on my page until December 31st. Please consider making a donation to my efforts! Click on the following link to reach my fundraising page:

[Insert link to your page here]

Thank you so much for your support and your kindness!

(Insert Your Name)

Accelerators Club

The MMRF’s Accelerators Club recognizes and honors participants who reach exceptional fundraising milestones. Individuals who join this club get exclusive perks and special event-day access as a thank you for their efforts.

Learn more
Matching gifts

Many employers will match charitable donations made by their employees, retirees, and even spouses of employees. Matching gifts are a quick and easy way to double the impact of your gift and further your support of the MMRF.

Learn more

Most donations can be made online, but checks can be mailed to the address below. Please don’t forget to add your name or your team name in a note, or on the memo line of the check.

Attn. MMRF Team For Cures
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation

P.O. Box 414238
Boston, MA 02241

The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization.
Our tax ID number is 06-1504413.

Why support the MMRF?
More info about the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation.
Download and distribute these as needed, or pull talking points from them to support your fundraising efforts.
Social posts about the MMRF
Share these on social media to generate awareness for the MMRF and the important work that you are helping to fund.